Climate Fund Promotes Climate Innovation Underpinned by a Robust Risk Management Framework

Climate Fund Promotes Climate Innovation Underpinned by a Robust Risk Management Framework

Our proposed risk management framework suits this climate fund’s role in promoting innovation and paradigm shifts in climate finance.

Addressing the world’s climate challenge demands innovation, and that means taking risks beyond other financial players’ capabilities and appetites. Any strong risk-taking initiative must be underpinned by a solid risk-management framework.

That’s what Momentus (formerly IFCL), in consortium with Delphos International-FMA, was engaged to provide for this global climate fund. Their mission is to limit or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in developing countries, and to help vulnerable societies adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Our risk-management framework positioned the fund to lead paradigm shifts in climate finance.

Our role was to propose the approach to establishing the risk appetite statement, the risk registry, and the risk dashboard across the full spectrum of their risk taxonomies. We updated the fund’s risk management framework to better reflect its unique business model. We also reviewed all financial and non-financial policies to ensure alignment and suitability for the future of the fund.

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